Monthly Roundup #37 - March '21
/Hello all, and welcome as always to this month’s newsletter. March has felt like a big step in the right direction for me, mainly as I was able to get back to some schools and the sun has been shining more! I’m sure everyone will agree that lockdown over the winter months is a lot less appealing than when it’s nice outside. Hopefully restrictions can continue to gradually lift, of course, but I’ll be very happy to be able to make the most of the good weather and longer days until then!
Back on the schools side of things… In March I was able to return to three of the four schools I’d ordinarily be visiting each week. Two of those I had already make it back to briefly between October and Christmas, but then everything shut down again in January, of course! The third of those, I hadn’t been back to in pretty much a year to the day, and the fourth and final one is still up in the air as they’re struggling for space with the accommodations they have to make for the time being. I’m continuing to see some of those students online, but hopefully it won’t be too much longer before I can return there too! While the online lessons have been going really well, nothing beats being able to get together with a student and a drum kit in the same room!
I was also delighted to have a playing opportunity in March which came in via my church. We pre-recorded a meeting at one of the local theatres (no audience, of course!) which is set to be aired on Easter Sunday. While it wasn’t quite the same as having the crowd there in the room, it was a delight to get together with a group of musicians and play together again! It was also a treat to be reunited with some of my lovely gear that I hadn’t played for a while too, of course!
I know you’ve been wondering, and I’m pleased to report I’ve been keeping it up with my bass playing “‘bit on the side”! The challenge will be keeping it up now that I’m getting back into more of a usual routine with the school visits etc, but I’m keen to make it work… Watch this bass - I mean, space! Sorry… On the subject, our monthly drum hang also touched on the bass side of things this time around, as it happens! We were joined by wonderful local bassist, Dan Humphreys, to discuss the drummer/bassist relationship among other things. It was a really enjoyable evening, which left us with much to discuss and think about from both sides of the equation. I know it’s given me some things to consider as the playing opportunities gradually come back in, with regards to how I approach my role as “the drummer” considering how it’s perceived by other musicians. Interesting stuff which we’ll revisit in due course, I’m sure!
Overall, it’s been a really positive month for me as I say, and I hope things are moving in the right direction for you too. Hopefully we’ve learned our lessons and won’t end up back in the same position again…! Thanks as always for checking in and until next time, take care and all the best! Ed.