Monthly Roundup #11 - January '19

Monthly Roundup #11 - January '19

I suppose I’ll be a month behind by the time anyone’s reading this, but happy new year! After having a lovely bit of time off over Christmas and the new year, it’s been nice to get back into the swing of things. There was of course the usual teaching (with which I started at a new school), a couple of nice gigs, and some other things looming on the horizon for February which required some preparation.

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Monthly Roundup #6 - August '18

Monthly Roundup #6 - August '18

August has been another slightly quieter month for me where I've been able to enjoy a bit of time off over the summer. The school summer holidays put most of the teaching to a stop, and if I'm honest, I haven't actually had loads of gigs through August - which is funny as it's usually a very busy time of year for me! But as I say, it's been quite a welcome break where I've been able to fit in a few days away on holiday and made the most of enjoying some down-time, which has been very nice indeed!

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