Monthly Roundup #1 - March '18
/Welcome back! So, a month into this blog thing, I've had my first bright idea for how to refine it going forwards... Monthly, rather than weekly updates! Less time writing about my week for me, less time reading about my (sometimes mundane seeming!) drumming antics for you (if you're still here...) - win/win!! In this case, as you've already heard about the first three weeks of this month, I'll use it as an update for the last week, and the highlights of this month.
The previous week has largely revolved around prepping for Spring Harvest, the event which I'm playing at this week - mainly in the form of learning/brushing up on some of the songs, and getting some electronic sounds patched up on the SPD-SX. As I'm away this week, I enjoyed a quiet weekend of Easter festivities! No doubt there will be plenty to fill in about after this week at Spring Harvest!
Excuse the mess - until I get the home studio set up going, working from the dining table it is! (Also, make note of the suitable mug!)
Highlights throughout March have included dusting off the jazz chops for a fun quartet gig, having some of my students perform in (and nail!) an assembly at their school, and having a nice run of gigs with one of the function bands that I play in. Overall, it's been a fun month with a nice variety of things going on!
Thanks again for checking in over the first month of me trying to figure this out... If there's anything you'd like to hear more (or less!) about, then please do let me know. Until next time! All the best, Ed.