Drum Diaries #46 - Dec '21/Jan-March '22

Drum Diaries #46 - Dec '21/Jan-March '22

Hello, and welcome back to my blog! As was anticipated, there’s been a bit of a break due to our new arrival joining us in December, prompting me to change this up from a monthly update to a quarterly newsletter - with this one covering January to March, plus the bonus month of December - not that I was up to much then besides awaiting (and then adjusting to!) life with baby!! Long story short, our wonderful little boy joined us just a little earlier than expected, arriving on what was actually my first day off! Although that meant I didn’t have any of the baby-free time off I’d anticipated in order to get on top of things, the lovely thing about that was it meant I had a full month from when he was born to when I got back to work in January, which made for some very precious time indeed!

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Monthly Roundup #39 - May '21

Monthly Roundup #39 - May '21

Hello again, and welcome back! As has been the trend over the last few months, things have been gradually moving in the right direction in my world throughout May, although there is of course still a long way to go. I’ve been teaching regularly, and there have been emails about gigs and rehearsals etc going back and forth, so there are things in the diary to look forward to!

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Monthly Roundup #34 - December '20

Monthly Roundup #34 - December '20

Like many others in my line of work, December was a strange one this year - while it’s normally one of the busiest times of year with Christmas and New Year celebrations and so on, this year it was obviously very different! That said, I was delighted to have a couple of chances to play with others, making the most of the opportunities that came my way in the form of church Christmas events (both being videoed as oppose to with a live audience), so it was great to get out and play - even if it was just a little!

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