Monthly Roundup #41 - July '21
/Welcome to my latest update on what I’ve been up to drumming-wise over the last month. July brought about the end of the school year, which means there’s a bit of a break in the teaching side of things coming up, but I’m delighted to report that it also brought about some more opportunities to get out and play again!
As mentioned, with the teaching having finished for the term I’ve got a bit more time on my hands over the school holidays. Of course we’ll be enjoying and making the most of the time off, but there are also some more playing related things going on which shall hopefully fill some of that time. I’ll be doing a little bit of teaching over the summer for those students who want to continue and bridge the gap, but for the most part the teaching side of things will be on hold until September.
On the playing front, I had a great rehearsal with a friend I went to college with (some 10 years ago!) after we got in touch and got to discussing some music he and his other half had been writing. While the music doesn’t rely on having drums for every gig, the idea is that for some dates it might be nice to have drums too, so watch this space and hopefully we’ll find some opportunities to gig together soon!
One of the highlights this month had to be getting back into a theatre and playing in front of a live audience, as it had been a while! The gig was the first in a series of dates playing a selection of classic hits, backing a singing duo. There are set to be a few more of these shows over the rest of the summer, which needless to say, I’m thoroughly looking forward to!
Once again, a few of us also enjoyed gathering for another in-person drum hang - hurrah! We had a great time catching up with one another as always, and also took the opportunity to bring along a few bits of gear to share with the group, which is always fun, of course!
That pretty much sums up my drumming activities through July… I’ve got a bit of time off to enjoy coming up, then some more teaching and playing to look forward to in August. Until then, I hope you all enjoy the (mostly!) good weather and summer break if you have one. All the best and catch you soon! Ed.