Monthly Roundup #45 - November '21

Monthly Roundup #45 - November '21

Hello, and welcome as always to my monthly update! There were a few things going on in November on top of my usual teaching week, but to be honest, my main focus was to get things ready for January as best I could, as December is set to bring about a lot of change in the form of my wife and I’s first baby! So naturally that’s been taking up most of our attention lately while we get things ready for the big arrival…! With that being the case, November wasn’t the busiest month on the drumming side of things, so I’ll keep it brief!

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Monthly Roundup #44 - October '21

Monthly Roundup #44 - October '21

Hello, and welcome back to my monthly blog with what I’ve been up to throughout October. Once again, the teaching side of things has been keeping me busy, and there have been a few more gigs to keep me occupied, which have been great fun! As mentioned last time, my teaching week underwent some changes in September which took a bit of time and attention to settle in (organising new timetables etc - all the fun stuff!!), but once we got to October I’d got back into the swing of things with my new routines.

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Monthly Roundup #40 - June '21

Monthly Roundup #40 - June '21

Hello all, and welcome back to another instalment of what’s been going on in my world drumming-wise! Since this latest relaxation of restrictions I’ve still not got back to gigging just yet (watch this space!), but the teaching side of things has been going wonderfully and I’ve been loving being able to see more people in various musical capacities (and beyond)!

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Monthly Roundup #36 - February '21

Monthly Roundup #36 - February '21

Hey folks, and welcome to my update for February! You guessed it, another month of lockdown restrictions doesn’t necessarily make for the most interesting read, so I’ll keep it brief! As has been the case in recent months, I’ve been balancing my time between delivering online drum lessons, while continuing to use the down time as productively as I can. Fortunately it looks like I’ll be able to return to doing some school drum lessons in March though, so that’s come as good news!

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