Monthly Roundup #2 - April '18

Monthly Roundup #2 - April '18

Here we are, once again! April is where it's all started kicking off for me, at the start of what's set to be a very busy few months. The busyness has run into May as well, which is why this instalment has been a bit delayed! But having finally found the chance to sit down and mull over my April antics (in an Essex service station!), here we go!

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My Kits, Setups and Head Choices

My Kits, Setups and Head Choices

Hello all! This time, I thought I'd do a bit of a roundup of the current kits in my collection - the different setups I use, my head choices, and which purpose each kit serves. As it is, I have three kits; two Gretsch Brooklyn's and one Gretsch Renown, and each one has it's own vibe and job to do. As you might be able to tell, I'm a sucker for a Gretsch!

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Monthly Roundup #1 - March '18

Monthly Roundup #1 - March '18

Welcome back! So, a month into this blog thing, I've had my first bright idea for how to refine it going forwards... Monthly, rather than weekly updates! Less time writing about my week for me, less time reading about the sometimes mundane drumming antics for you (if you're still here...) - win/win!! In this case, as you've already heard about the first three weeks of this month, I'll use it as an update for the last week, and the highlights of this month.

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My Week In Drums #3

My Week In Drums #3

Another week, another post! Last week was a little more relaxed on the playing side of things compared to the first couple of weeks since starting this, but it was very drum focused, nonetheless! Once again, there was the usual 3x days of teaching, then my extra days were filled with taking some lessons (for myself), giving my drums some TLC and reheading one of the kits, gigging Saturday, and then playing at my church Sunday morning.

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My Week In Drums #2

My Week In Drums #2

Hello again! Look at that, two weeks on the trot... Maybe I can make a habit of this after all... In the last week I've been fairly busy work-wise and also honing in the website as expected. The latest changes being the addition of a "Media" page, which I've made a start on with a couple of videos (feel free to take a look!), and also the changing of most of the site from 3rd person to 1st, based on feedback from friends and peers. I'm fairly happy with it now (but no doubt I'll keep tinkering with it for a little while!).

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