Monthly Roundup #37 - March '21

Monthly Roundup #37 - March '21

Hello all, and welcome as always to this month’s newsletter. March has felt like a big step in the right direction for me, mainly as I was able to get back to some schools and the sun has been shining more! I’m sure everyone will agree that lockdown over the winter months is a lot less appealing than when it’s nice outside. Hopefully restrictions can continue to gradually lift, of course, but I’ll be very happy to be able to make the most of the good weather and longer days until then!

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Monthly Roundup #36 - February '21

Monthly Roundup #36 - February '21

Hey folks, and welcome to my update for February! You guessed it, another month of lockdown restrictions doesn’t necessarily make for the most interesting read, so I’ll keep it brief! As has been the case in recent months, I’ve been balancing my time between delivering online drum lessons, while continuing to use the down time as productively as I can. Fortunately it looks like I’ll be able to return to doing some school drum lessons in March though, so that’s come as good news!

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Monthly Roundup #35 - January '21

Monthly Roundup #35 - January '21

Well it wasn’t much of a “happy new year” here in England, was it?! January brought about another strict lockdown for us, which quickly put a stop to any optimistic thoughts that 2021 might be any different… Despite there still being nothing on the gigging side of things, I had managed to return to 2 of my 4 schools before Christmas, and was hoping that January would bring about a return to the 3rd, but on the first day of term the schools were closed to the majority of children once again.

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Monthly Roundup #34 - December '20

Monthly Roundup #34 - December '20

Like many others in my line of work, December was a strange one this year - while it’s normally one of the busiest times of year with Christmas and New Year celebrations and so on, this year it was obviously very different! That said, I was delighted to have a couple of chances to play with others, making the most of the opportunities that came my way in the form of church Christmas events (both being videoed as oppose to with a live audience), so it was great to get out and play - even if it was just a little!

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